Alejandro Sajgalik

Nova express (2024)a piece for 6 dancers, organ pipes and electroacoustic music
length : 60 minutes (in creation)

After the implosion of their planet, six individuals find themselves on a pile of debris from a dismantled organ. Adrift on this raft, these beings gestate in a cosmic fluid where the pipes of the instrument resonate like a distant echo. In this in-between world, their bodies oscillate between reactivity and abandonment, vulnerability and impulsivity, thereby releasing the psychic toxins of a past order.

Among this woodpile, each dancer viscerally listens to the electroacoustic symphony composed by Alejandro Sajgalik from these objects. Their memories still freshly imprinted by the cataclysm, their gestures reflect the fragility of any attempt at coexistence. Lines of unbound ecstatic life force are unleashed and create a true ode to the human potential to re-enchant the world.

Produced by  
Alejandro Sajgalik

Choreographer, composer
 Alejandro Sajgalik
Perfomers Anna Duverne, Ciro Melgaço, Domenico Ausilio, Léonie Bélanger, Mathieu Hérard, Marie-Maxime Ross
Lights  Lee Anholt
Scenography  Alejandro Sajgalik
Costumes   Jonathan Girard
Technical director  Lee Anholt

Centre de Création O Vertigo
Technical residency  Maison de la culture Janine-Sutto
Support from  Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts de Montréal


1 December 2023 Parcours Danse OFF Circuit-est (Montreal, QC)

7. 8. 9. 10 November 2024 Tangente (Montreal, QC)

Performances : ❶ Nova Express ❷ Materia Prima ❸ Cantos para los insaciables ❹ N’importe où hors du monde ❺ Holy Delta